Nancy McCrary is the Editor and Publisher of South x Southeast Photomagazine, founded in 2011. In 2015 Nancy began South x Southeast Workshops and remains the director. She is the director of South x Southeast Gallery, began in 2017 and exhibiting the work of emerging and established photographers throughout the world. She was co-director of SlowExposures Photography Festival for 8 years. Before South x Southeast Nancy had a career in niche publishing with positions are managing editor and marketing director for several magazines. She has reviewed portfolios at PhotoNOLA, LOOK3, SlowExposures, Click! Photo Festival and for private clients. She practices photography but mostly enjoys encouraging, and exhibiting, the work of others.
Years ago I began jotting down what I perceived to be the words of my dogs – specifically how their looks, actions, whimpers, and barks spoke to me. Paired with images I’ve taken of them over the past 15 years, a collection was created, titled The Poetry of Dogs.
And, from December 2nd, 2023 – January 2nd, 2024, an exhibition will be held at A Novel Experience Bookstore of 13 images alongside their respective poems.
Please join us for the reception, or visit the bookstore during December, M-Sat, 10-6.A Novel Experience Bookstore
On the Square
Zebulon, Georgia